company solutions - professional support for fundraising and the voluntary sector
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Gareth Edwards has been a great source of support regarding all sorts of fundraising issues and I'm sure we'll be picking his brains even more in the future! We are very pleased to have renewed our mentoring agreement with him for another year - great value for money.
Lindy Booth, Development Manager
Training Courses

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Mission Statement 

It is the mission of Company Solutions to bring a range of affordable and effective solutions to the voluntary sector.

Currently these are as follows -

  1. Training courses touring 10 locations around the UK
  2. Mentoring and support for fundraisers and managers
  3. Bespoke training days and consultancy in a variety of disciplines 
  4. Management of the Practical Fundraising Association
  5. Low cost job advertising through Charity Sector Jobs
  6. Comprehensive web services from Charity Web Services

We specialise in delivering services to meet the needs of any charity or non-profit organisation and delivering quality services at a very competitive price. 



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