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The Company Solutions half day courses were extremely valuable to me. They represent excellent value for cost conscious and time restricted smaller organisations, whilst packing in a comprehensive programme.
Penny Cusdin, Development Manager
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Accompaniment Visit

In a sales environment, a manager will sometimes accompany a sales professional when meeting prospects or customers. This often takes place when someone is newly appointed, but may also be used as part of the appraisal and staff development process.
Certain types of fundraising lend themselves specificially to this style, particularly in induction. Face to face legacy fundraisers or corporate fundraisers pitching for the first time to a key company for a charity of the year pitch could be accompanied in this way by a more experienced member of staff.


In legacy fundraising terms, if you do not have a will, this is the person who will sort out your affairs.

AIDA / AIDCA / AIDCAS This is a model of communicating with supporters that takes them on a journey designed to produce a positive response. It is sometimes referred to as the Hierarchy of Effects which uses Awareness, Knowledge, Liking, Preference, Conviction and Purchase. Advertisers often use this model. It can be seen as follows:
·         A – Attention – grabbing attention with the first communication you have with a donor or potential donor
·         I – Interest – keeping the reader interested in what you are saying is seen as the next stage.
·         D – Desire
·         C – Conviction (sometimes referred to as Commitment)
·         A – Action
·         S – Satisfaction


Describing the elements in the design of a retail outlet that make some appeal to a customers emotions and make them more likely to buy. Refers to the physical features of the shop.

It could be interesting to see how this idea could translate to the charity shop experience for the voluntary sector.

Augmented Product

 In marketing terms, this dedinition takes the view that when looking at a product, you need to consider the extra benefits such as service, after-care, image of the product, branding, etc. Reputation of the company is crucial. There can be a range of extra consumer benefits.
In a fundraising sense, look at what you offer to your donors and ask what additional benefits beyond a standard thank you can you give to each level of donor, in whatever fundraising discipline.





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