High Value Application Support
This service is for the more complicated high-value applications. We can help you draw up an application, will research the funder and its priorities in detail for you, and will both proof and improve on each part of the application.
Our mentoring service offers the review and improvement aspect of this – this service offers all of this and also helps with the initial drawing up of the proposition and additional research. You can call to discuss the applications as often as you wish with any of the options.
Research, telephone and email support for one high-value application
£150 plus VAT
A Bundle of 5 applications (no time limit) plus information on 15 bonus smaller trusts that match your funding criteria
£500 plus VAT
A Bundle of 10 applications (no time limit) plus information on 50 bonus smaller trusts that match your funding criteria
£900 plus VAT
A Bundle of 20 application (no time limit) plus information on 100 bonus smaller trusts that match your funding criteria
£1500 plus VAT
High Value Application Support Enquiry Form