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As a new fundraiser I regularly use the mentoring service. It has provided me with an invaluable resource which has ensured my rapid development. I would also recommend it to experienced fundraisers who are looking for alternative ideas and a fresh perspective
Michelle Rickman, Fundraiser
Training Courses

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Creativity Audit

Are you getting the most from your staff and volunteers?
Do you encourage new ideas and improvements in day-to-day work?
Or are your staff and volunteers on a treadmill that makes finding the time for creative development almost impossible?

In this audit of your current practices, Gareth covers -

Some principles of creative development

Where you are now in relation to these and other benchmarks

What can be done to maximise creativity to improve business results

Options available and how to assess their results

This audit is designed to help you get the very best from the creative brains of all your staff and volunteers. It will give you a range of solutions you can choose from to develop new ideas and enhance existing work.

Most audits take a day's worth of time unless the organisation is particularly large in terms of numbers of staff and volunteers to be included.



As this can be carried out by telephone and confidential surveys, the cost is just £400 plus VAT

Creativity Training Enquiry Form

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